We’re back for our October newsletter, see what’s been happening and what’s coming up
Upcoming events
Naseby 12 hour
Naseby 12 hour is back for the 8th of October. There is still a few days left to enter! Entries are closing at midnight on the 2nd of October. Enter now if you haven’t already! We’ve had a lot of teams enter as just 1 person. If you have team members or friends and family that want to enter, please can you help us by getting them to do so as soon as possible. We currently have a large number of teams with just 1 entrant, all team members must enter not just the captain.
Strava Timed Descents
Make sure you have a go at this months Strava Timed Descent. This month, its at Bethunes Gully and once again sponsored by Leading Electrical Dunedin. Spot prizes are $50 cash for members of MBO or 1 years individual membership if you’re not! You just have to record a time on the segment be into win. Check out more information below
More events
Check out the events calendar powered by trailforks. We’ll still be putting everything on facebook as well
Event Reports
Unfortunately, our AGM that was to be held on the 22nd of September could not go ahead. This is due to a rule of incorporated societies where to have an AGM, we need 15% of the current membership to attend, which for us is 39 members. This means we are going to need to reschedule the AGM and we are looking at ways to make this more practical as our membership grows. The best way to find out about these events is if you’re signed up as a member on hivepass, you’ll automatically be added to our mailing list. Keep and eye out for emails from membership@mountainbikingotago.co.nz
It was a great day out with Dunedin putting on a stunning day! A huge thank you to Bike House Dunedin (formally Cycle World), Dunedin Bike Shuttles and Emereson’s Brewrey for providing spot prizes and refreshments.
Get to go Challenge
On the 14th of September, we helped to run the Otago / Southland round of the Get 2 Go Challenge. This is a national series of outdoor adventure activities run by Hillary Outdoors, where teams of year 9 and 10 students compete in activities such as orienteering, kayaking, stand-up paddling, mountain biking, and problem-solving. There are 12 rounds around the country, and the best teams in NZ go on to compete in a national final on Great Barrier Island.
In Dunedin, MBO organizes a round of mountain biking. We had 3 waves of 8 teams come through as the kids rotated between biking, orienteering, and kayaking. All up that’s nearly 200 kids, working as a team, learning new skills, and having fun.

Projects and Trails
Signal Hill
Toilet and Bike wash
The toilet is making progress still. The outside cladding is on and soon Lanark will be able to install the toilet units and sink. Hamish has also been working on the bike wash next to the toilet. We are in need of a bricklayer to give us a hand, let us know if you can!

Orange Roughy
Orange Roughy is getting a tidy up with the digger! It’s been a while and since the last tidy up and we will need a hand packing in berms and hand finishing. Keep an eye out on our facebook page if you’d like to come along to a dig day!

Whare Flat
There are currently 10 trails under construction at Whare Flat! Once complete they will each be added to trail forks and published in the newsletter. Keep an eye out for more trails!
Also, have a look at our trail building and maintaining guidelines. Sticking to these guidelines allows us to continue having great relationships with the landowners who genoursly allow us to use their land
Have you signed up to MBO yet? Its an easy way for you to show support for your local trails! You get access to member deals as well! Click one of the links below to sign up